
我將大富翁裡頭的東西全部改版成Tuesdays with Morrie的內容。
By Whitney Tsou (惠特妮)

(2)命運.機會的部分,我將他們改成Wednesday & Monday,因為MITCH每次的課程都是TUESDAYS,所以其他天做一些活動 - 一些肢體的活動(其中包含搞笑的成分)。

道具: 四個棋子/骰子/天數卡/命運機會卡片/小沙漏/大富翁海報紙




1.If your doctor told you that you had to use a wheelchair or a cane for the rest of your life, what would you think?

2.“When you are in bed, you are dead.”
What does Morrie mean by “dead”? What can you do to make yourself “alive” when you are “in bed”?

3.“People haven’t found meaning in their lives, so they’re running all the time looking for it.”
Do you agree with Morrie? Have you ever found meaning in your life?

4.“If I worried about being forgotten after I died?”
Do you worry about people forgetting how much you’ve done for them/ how much love you gave them? Why or why not?

5.“The truth is, I don’t have to be in that much of a hurry with my car. I would rather put my energy into people.”
How do you feel when someone do not obey the rules? What can you do to put your energy into people?

6.“They don’t know who they are themselves – so how do they know who they’re marrying?”
It seems like knowing yourself is really important. Do you agree? What do you know about yourself?

7.“And if you (you and your wife / husband) don’t have a common set of values in life, you’re gonna have a lot of trouble.”
Do you feel that way too? Explain it.

8.“Things that before would have made me embarrassed or squeamish were now routinely handled.”
Have you or your friend(s) ever had such an experience? Share it with everyone.

9.“It’s just what your culture would have you believe. Don’t believe it.”
How should people clarify the good they should take from culture?

10.“Look, no matter where you live, the biggest defect we human beings have is our shortsightedness.”
What are some examples of people being shortsighted?

11.“The team is doing well, and the student section begins a chant – We are number one!”
Why did Morrie rise and tell the students “What’s wrong with being number two?” at this point?

12.“Living means I can be responsive to the other person. I can show my emotions and my feelings.”
Compared to Morrie, you are a healthy person. What does living mean to you?

13.“Love each other or die.”
Why is love so important in our life? Do you show your family and friends love very often? Why or why not?

14.From the ninth to the fourteenth Tuesday course, which one do you prefer? Why?

15.“These things I so regret in my life. Pride. Vanity. Why do we do the things we do?”
It seems like Morrie regretted something he did in life. Do you regret something you’ve done before? Share with us.

16.Do you like your own culture? What are some good and bad parts about it?

17.“It’s not just other people we need to forgive. We also need to forgive ourselves.”
Do you think it’s important to forgive ourselves? Why or why not? Is it good to do it very often?

18.“Let me see…I’d get up in the morning…And then I go home and have a deep wonderful sleep.”
If you had one day left in the world, what would you do? Discuss how you can make a plan for the last day of your life.

19.If your boy/girlfriend’s heart got stolen by your best friend, would you choose to forgive him/her? Why or why not?

20.From the ninth to the fourteenth Tuesday course, which lesson did you learn the most from? What have you learned from it?


命運的卡片Monday (Instead of using Chance)
1.You just won the jackpot – you are extremely healthy for a week!

2.The doctors at your hospital are on strike – deduct 6 days from your lifetime.

3.You are not feeling well today so that the way you talk is funny – say a sentence backwards. (Your team members say a sentence which contains more than 5 words – and you have to say it backwards.)

4.You lost your mind today – Your team member will ask you three questions. If the answer is “Yes,” you have to shake your head and say “Yes.” If the answer is “No,” you have to nod your head and say “No.” Play until you get that right 3 times straight.

5.You lost your voice today. Mouth a 6-word sentence silently until your group members gets it.

6.The nurse gave you the wrong injection so that you fainted – skip the next turn

7.Someone donated their stem cells for you – add 10 days to your lifetime.

8.One of the audience members of “Nightline” is a wizard with possesses special powers. He gave you a birthday present – add 6 days to your lifetime.

9.Some travel agencies sent you free airplane tickets to travel around the world – add 8 days to your lifetime.

10.Someone burned down your house – deduct 7 days from your lifetime


機會的卡片Wednesday (Instead of using Community Chest)
1.You just smoked a cigarette – deduct 2 days from your lifetime

2.You had some Taiwan beer with your friend – deduct 1 day from your lifetime.

3.You did not take your medicine on time – deduct 7 days from your lifetime. Unless you give a compliment to someone in our class in order to show your love. (Anyone besides your group members)

4.You just heard some lovely music – stand up and dance for three seconds in order to add 3 days to your lifetime.

5.You were singing while you were taking a shower. Your neighbor was happy when he heard it. – add 2 days to your lifetime.

6.You had some food that Mitch brought and then you felt sick – deduct 2 days from your lifetime.

7.You were told that your friend sent you your favorite food, KFC, but you found out that it was KGC. – Shout “This is not KFC!” aloud.

8.You suddenly felt very dizzy while you were walking to the bathroom – stand up, turn around 3 times, and see if you can balance while walking. If you made it, you add 4 days to your lifetime. If not, you deduct 4 days from your lifetime.

9.Koppel just invited you to take some pictures with him after “Nightline”. Pose for 3 different facial expressions in a row – NOW!

10.One of your feet feels as if someone is poking you with a fork – stand up and hop 3 times.






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